Action Alert: Contact Your Representative to Support Israeli-Palestinian Peace

In a previous blog post, I focused on how we at Boston Partners for Peace are committed to building from the bottom-up—investing in grassroots peacebuilders that we believe are the future of peace, justice, and mutual recognition for Palestinians and Israelis. At the same time, we know that there are people in positions of power who can have a large influence on events from the top down. Sometimes all they need is to hear from us, and that is what we are asking you to so today. Being Bostonians and Americans gives us a unique opportunity to make a difference, and there is a tool that you can use to make change even as you read this post.
Take out your phone right now and text the word “coexist” to 52886. Follow the link and contact your Representative to support H.R. 1221: the International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace Authorization Act.
This Fund is being spearheaded by the Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), a coalition of peacemaking organizations advocating for increased financial support for grassroots Palestinian-Israeli peacemakers. They are focusing on an international fund for one simple reason: it works. This effort is inspired by the International Fund for Ireland, which spent more than $1.2 billion over 20 years to build grassroots cooperation and support for peace in Northern Ireland. ALLMEP envisions a $200 million per year fund, with funding coming from the U.S. Congress, the European Union, the Arab World, and the private sector. You can read more about their proposal here. As you can imagine, this effort isn’t going to happen by itself. We need you to push your Congressional Representatives in order to let them know that peace is your priority.
If you are as inspired by Palestinian and Israeli peacebuilders as we are, then it is time to take action. Become a changemaker—it’s never been easier than it is right now. Send the text, follow the link, and encourage our government to use its influence for good.